Collective Bargaining Negotiation Teams

2022-2024* Negotiation Team

As duly selected by the process outlined in the CBA, UNAC will be represented by the following faculty in the next contract negotiation:

  • UNAC President – Dr. Abel Bult-Ito
  • Chief Negotiator – Dr. Tony Rickard
  • UAS, Dr. Jill Dumesnil
  • UAF, Kris Racina
  • UAA, Tara Palmer Smith
  • Extended Sites – Andy Anger

*CBA has been extended by MOA twice and will expire December 31, 2021.


2017-2019 Negotiating Team 

President Abel Bult-Ito, UAA Tim Hinterberger, UAF Mara Bacsujlacky, UAF Chris Coffman, UAS Nina Chordas, and UAS Lisa Hoferkamp.


2013-2016 Negotiating Team 

President Abel Bult-Ito, Chief Negotiator Anthony Rickard, UAA Frank Jeffries, UAF Melanie Arthur, UAS Michael Stekoll


2010-2012 Negotiating Team 

President Carl Shepro, Chief Negotiator Gerald McBeath, UAA Kate Gordon, UAF Abel Bult-Ito, UAS Ginny Mulle


2008-2010 Negotiating Team 

President Carl Shepro, Chief Negotiator John Riley, UAA Nelta Edwards, UAF Dan Walsh, UAS CliveThomas