Our twelve Extended Sites are located throughout Alaska and are tied to our three Universities by geographic area:
UAA Extended Sites: Kenai Peninsula College, Matanuska-Susitna College, Kodiak College, and Prince William Sound College
UAF Extended Sites: Bristol Bay Campus, Chukchi Campus, Community and Technical College, Interior Alaska Campus, Kuskokwim Campus, and Northwest Campus
UAS Extended Sites: Sitka Campus and Ketchikan Campus
To ensure these campuses have a voice, each University’s extended sites are apportioned one seat collectively, for a total of three Extended Sites seats on the RA. The UNAC members pictured below are serving on the RA for the term 2021-2024, including our Extended Sites Vice President.
Cindy Trussell
Extended Sites Organizational Vice President
UAA, Kodiak College, Natural Sciences
(907) 486-1224 or (603) 259-1533; citrussell@alaska.edu

Pete Praetorius, UAA Extended Sites Representative
UAA Matanuska-Susitna College, Palmer
Communications Department
(907) 745-9728

Julie Maier, UAF Extended Sites Representative
UAF Community and Technical College, Fairbanks
Developmental Education Department
(907) 474-7328
UAS Extended Sites Representative – VACANT