United Academics and the University agree to participate in a joint health care committee with Local 6070 to review health benefits and to investigate, study, and design possible solutions to rising health care costs and other mutual problems. This committee shall meet at least monthly. Topics may include, but are not limited to, wellness programs, plan design, eligibility, cost containment, number and quality of benefits provided, deductibles, application of prior years under and over-collections, preferred provider programs, competitiveness among providers, standardization of benefit design, utilization, promotion, and cost, and options designed to enhance benefit options while containing costs.
Mission Statement of the committee: (Approved by committee on 12/15/2006)
The Joint Health Care Committee (JHCC) combines the creative energies of Unions and Management to explore and develop an in-depth understanding of the University health plan and employee health issues. It makes informed recommendations to the Unions and Management that contribute to improving the quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness of the health plan and to improving the lives of University employees and all plan participants.
UA Joint Health Care Committee – UNAC Representatives
Abel Bult-Ito – abultito@alaska.edu Leah Berman – lwberman@alaska.edu | Alternates: Melanie Arthur – melanie.arthur@unac4996ak.com Jill Dumesnil – jadumesnil@alaska.edu |
More Information:
Your Benefits – UA Human Relations Website
Joint Health Care Committee – UA Human Relations Website