Elections and Voting

Our next election will be for our Organizational Vice Presidents and all Representative Assembly seats. It’s a great opportunity to become a UNAC leader — Vice Presidents will help individual members with issues and questions while working with the Executive Board; Vice Presidents and all RA members will help steer the direction of our union. Positions are open to all members-in-good-standing (dues payers for 3+ months or new members who joined within 30 days of hire). All interested parties should add their name to the ballot! UNAC members-in-good-standing will receive email communications after the fall semester starts.

Nominations will open late in the fall 2023 semester. The election will be held in February 2024. The new Vice Presidents will begin their terms on July 1, 2024.

The UNAC Elections Committee is composed of 4 UNAC members from throughout the UA system who don’t hold an elected seat in UNAC. The committee coordinates our officer and RA elections as well as ratification of the CBA and votes on constitutional amendments. 

UNAC uses Election Runner, a third party ballot service, to conduct secure online elections. Qualified voters in each election will receive an e-mail from unac4996ak@gmail.com when elections open. 

Only active dues paying members are eligible to vote or serve in an elected office position.