Support Staff

Contract Manager

Melanie Arthur: (503) 489-5582;


Organizing Manager

Kate Quick: (907) 799-5031;

United Academics’ office is located on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus, but we represent faculty throughout. As your union, UNAC employs a full-time Contract Manager and Assistant Contract Manager, as well as a part-time book-keeper. ÂFaculty serving as RA members volunteer their time. Â Members of the UNAC Executive Board receive annual buy-outs from UNAC for activity executed on behalf of UNAC.

The Contract Manager  and Assistant Contract Manager work closely together with faculty, the UNAC President, Executive Board and the RA to ensure that all of the elements of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) are consistently followed. The positions  also support the various committees of the RA, and prepare and distribute regular communications to represented faculty.  Additional duties include organizing UNAC meetings for the RA and the Executive Board, as well as for general meetings hosted by UNAC for its membership.

Other critical components of our staff positions are  the support of the Negotiating Team during the negotiation of a new Collective Bargaining Agreement, maintenance of membership lists and membership communications, and the preliminary screening and evaluation of faculty complaints for potential violations of the CBA.  Represented faculty may and are encouraged to reach out to any RA or Executive Board member with a work-related concern or question; UNAC leadership works in close consultation with the Contract Manager and Assistant Contract Manager in all matters related to the CBA. You may also call/email the Contract Manager or Assistant Contract Manager directly with any issues and concerns.

updated August 2021